No Turning Back: Male to Female Transgender Journeys of Getting through Tough Times— Aya Okumura


Female-to-male transgendered people face many challenges during their journeys of gender transition. These challenges can be all the more complex if transgendered people are simultaneously negotiating complexities of culture as well as gender. But along with these challenges also come celebrations, connections, and community. This paper describes the stories of five Asian and Pacific Islander transgendered women, and offers some questions which narrative practitioners may find useful to help trace the histories of transgender people’s skills and knowledges in moving through their unique journey.


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From Gender Dysphoria towards Gender Euphoria— Esben Esther Pirelli Benestad

This paper is a brief reflection on ‘No turning back: Male to female transgenders’ journeys of getting through tough times’ by Aya Okumura, and ‘The gender binary: Theory and lived experience’ by Julie Tilson, David Nylund and Lorraine Grieves. The author explores some of the effects of transgendered existence on partners and families, and wonders if we can move from concepts of ‘gender dysphoria’ to ‘gender euphoria’.