Comments on: Didgeri: Local Collective Response by Anthony Newcastle A gateway to narrative therapy and community work Tue, 17 Mar 2020 23:14:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: David George Fri, 20 Oct 2017 22:54:14 +0000 Thanks Anthony… we use this practise as trauma victims… as an international group. We create music from you-tube and just pass it around… the healing power of notes, mates, and first learning to trust is priceless… our issues and concerns are universal. My grand-dad was an aboriginal of Great Britain and spoke our language as a first language. Five of his grand-kids moved into the sex trade, four of them boys. Their father saw battle at sea at the age of 16.

We have a lot of cleaning up to do. It all helps to share… to learn, to grow. Diolch yn fawr… thanks you so much, deeply…

By: Carolynanha Johnson Sat, 07 Oct 2017 00:35:10 +0000 In reply to Kylie Dowse.

HI Anthony,
Thanks for sharing this with us. A topic which still seems taboo in our community. You have created space for conversations that invite men to talk about the effects of the trauma. I love the idea of counselling ways for non counsellors. You have highlighted language being important and with what you have created here, that has been one of your focuses. Getting people in community to talk differently to each other in a language that is uplifting and encouraging, but still acknowledging of the struggles. Are you able to give me the name of that person you quoted for the domestic violence of women. I also appreciated that for my work. Keep up the good work Anthony. We are building an enormous Aboriginal Narrative Therapy empire which has tremendous opportunities and outcomes for healing for our people across this country.

By: Kylie Dowse Mon, 02 Oct 2017 22:46:06 +0000 Dear Anthony,

Thank you for providing insight into the sparkling work of ‘Didgeri’ and the ‘No More’ campaign. I really appreciate the careful construction of the group, and the way you highlighted your own mindfulness around men attending ‘freely’.

It stood out as important that your approach highlights the ongoing implementation and effects of colonising practices. As a saltwater Aboriginal woman I am similarly interested in redressing the past tense of various abuses often used, and the resistance our people continue to demonstrate.

The possibilities created through ‘men engaging differently’ in ‘counselling for non-counsellors’ provides great hope, as our communities respond to the status to which non-Indigenous Australian policies and practices have served to relegate our mob. It sparks thoughts about my own community, and the ‘non-counsellors’ who live here, often tasked with the duty of being a ‘go-to’ person. How might your approach be transported and adopted here? You’ve given me much to think about.

This is profound practice, rich with strong stories shared across countries. So much can be drawn from your sharing of this particular yarn, please accept and pass on my gratitude to the men of Didgeri.

Kylie Dowse
