
Welcome from your host: Tileah Drahm-Butler

Welcome from other First Nations Narrative Practitioners

Jonathan Morris:

Alberto Burgos:

Leonard Manuel:

Erica Lambert:


This Post Has 120 Comments

  1. doctorjbeer

    This is the best welcome ever. I’m sitting at my kitchen table beaming!

  2. shilaavissa

    Good morning from the unceded lands of Musqueam, Squamish, and Tsleil-Waututh Nations (Vancouver, Canada). I’m Shila, born and raised East Javanese & North Sumatran from Indonesia. So lovely to hear from you all!
    This must be the warmest, realest, and most human welcome I’ve ever experienced in an online course! Thank you for putting a big smile on my face. Really excited to learn from everyone 🙂

  3. Deborah Flower

    I love the concept of telling and re-telling our story in therapy. I believe that we are the authors of our lives and through telling our stories or re-creating our stories can help us understand not only our culture, but also understand ourselves. I love using Narrative Therapy in my practice, especially when I can combine it with art therapy. I am really looking forward to hearing and learning of others experience and expanding my own understanding and clinical practice.

  4. Kelly

    Alberto’s welcome has struck me in the first few seconds. I am Australian born and know first hand so many people of my generation who went to school and were ‘given’ a name that the admin officer could pronounce instead of using the actual name given by their parents. I am looking forward to learning more.

  5. Hadassah Steinberg

    G’day. Kia Ora. Guten Morgen. What a wonderful welcome to the course and a lovely reminder that we are all made up of many stories past and present. I’m looking forward to exploring a Narrative approach further, how this relates to me and the people I talk and listen with.

  6. lucas

    Listen to some of the stories that relate to me is amazing to be able to bring a way for our mob to be able to heal through stories and connecting.

  7. brighdecampbell

    Wonderful – can’t wait to start and find out more. So many stories to hear and support people to tell.

  8. Ian Howells

    I was exposed to Narrative Therapy while studying a Masters in Counselling. After practicing for two years in humanisitic approaches to therapy my interest in Narrative Therapy has been re-ignited through working with Indigenous people in the Northern Territory. Connection is crucial to any value being gained from therapy. Story telling is fundamental to Aboriginal culture and I am keen to explore the application of Narrative Therapy in in the context of Connection and Aboriginals Staying Strong.

  9. Tegan

    This is some of the most human introductions I’ve ever seen! Love that the formalities were dropped so we could see ‘real people’.

    1. Jenn

      Absolutely agree!

  10. Alli H

    Looking forward to learning more about Narrative therapy!

  11. debbie webster

    This welcome supports the importance of narrative therapy as being a great vehicle for cultural diversity and allows us all to express that in such a supportive environment

  12. Steph

    such a great welcome to what narrative therapy can be for each practitioner 🙂 Thank you for everyone’s work to make this available to others for free!

  13. Narelle Smith

    Telling stories in ways that make us stronger – I liked that very much – thank you

  14. Tiff Lohs

    I am looking forward to learning more to support my team to develop skills in narrative enquiry.

  15. Kamenga Lazarous

    Thanks for welcoming me into this course. Indeed when people tell their past and believe for better tomorrow it helps to remain optimistic and rather dewel in the past. Am hopeful that through this course will able to help many people out there to tell story that will make them strong.

  16. Clare

    Thank you for welcoming me onto this course. I appreciate the diversity of people who have been filmed for the welcome

  17. Pandora Galea

    Narrative therapy is the perfect vehicle for cultures where dominant communication is, or was, oral stories. Your introductions authentically represent the way it can assist in the development of identity, inner strength and resilience. It is also a wonderful tool for healing trauma.Thankyou so much for offering such a powerful and necessary course.

  18. Pandora Galea

    I love the warm welcome, which transcends the cultural divide. As said by Brene Brown: “owning our story and loving Ourselves through it, is the bravest thing that we will ever do.’ As a teacher tired of being in the restricitive shackles of government red tape I long to begin using narrative therapy (as I did in the classroom) as a tool for healing as well as a means of introducing Indigenous students in NT to the struggles of others in written form. There are very few stories for Indigenous students to access that are written by their people. They are even fewer that reflect what is seen as the mundane successes when compared with gold medal or footy final triumphs. Yet it is in the everyday overcoming of trauma, especially inter-generational trauma, that is miraculous and healing – both for the narrator and the reader. I hope this course takes me a step closer to this goal.

  19. Ellen Thomas

    listening to welcome set a fire inside Me to find out more about this Narrative Therapy. Cant wait to start.

  20. prachiti

    What a nice introduction. I loved what Alberto said. Sheds light on deconstructing set norms to form your own.

  21. zelda

    So nice to see others from different countries all united in love of narrative therapy. I’m from Africa where this type of approach is just as much appreciated.

  22. tj

    What a great introduction. Very excited about undertaking this course and learning more 🙂

  23. Chantelle M

    Have loved just listening to what has inspired you all to use narrative therapy. Thank you 🙂

  24. DS

    I loved listening to all your stories and now I am all curious to find out more about narrative therapy

  25. hiyeony@hotmail.com

    I love how you can still continue your story which rooted from your own people even you are not in your land anymore. Shaping our own stories by how we see ourselves and integrate them into the new life, land and people you desired to belong. It’s very empowering. Thank you.

  26. Jasmine Stadhams

    My narrative therapy journey has just begun and all the introductions were wonderful and insightful! each video gave me a different and broader perspective of narrative therapy.

    We are the original storytellers and to use this in a way of healing ourselves and our people makes me happy. Thank you

  27. nileekas1226@gmail.com

    Wow! it’s a kind of warm welcome. I’m so exited to follow the course. At the moment I’m working as a social worker in a Aboriginal corporation and this course will definitely help me to work in this community.

  28. Sally

    Such a welcoming introduction, spoken from peoples hearts. I think therapy, being part of the theraputic process comes from passion, understanding, and listening to stories. I’m keen to hear more. Thank you

  29. Gina O'Neill

    Connections to all of us first nations people through stories is absolutely the way forward. A future of strength and mana for all of us creating a stronger story.

  30. Cynthy Reese

    Connecting an individual to the adventure and exploration that is their own narrative; you’ve got me hooked already!

  31. Deborah Roach

    It is beautiful to see in this introduction how stories, identity, family and culture are foundational. So excited to do this as a Wiradjuri woman.

  32. sjwalker

    How uplifting to hear how narrative therapy aligns with first nation cultures, with the focus of story telling. I believe there is so much that can be learned from this.

  33. Eugene Ford

    What a fantastic introduction! Thank you!

  34. petronela

    Just listening to to the welcoming videos got me excited to start learning about narrative therapy!

  35. Julia Lucila

    Hola mi nombre es Julia Lucila, soy de México y estoy muy emocionada de poder tomar este curso gratuito! Me encantó ver que hay un camarada de El Salvador, me hace sentir cercanía con el contenido!
    Hi my name is Julia Lucila, Im from México and Im so exited to have de chance to take this curse for free! I realy love that i see a person from El Salvador, that made me feel close to the content!
    Thanks for doing this for free!

  36. Siyanda

    It wonderful to hear the introduction of how narrative therapy had really impacted your life and life of others.

  37. amrita.b.trivedi@gmail.com

    Wonderful to hear so many with lived experiences. Its important we believe in this therapy ourselves to make that positive impact and offer relevant support. Thank you all.

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