Seasons of Change: Cross-cultural partnerships in co-researching change while navigating experiences of violence against self-identified women in Nepal by Julia Scharinger

This video offers insights into stories of self-identified women and girls who came to live in a shelter in Kathmandu, Nepal, to forge their own pathways after surviving trafficking, forced sex work and/or other forms of violence in their homes, communities and beyond. Based on seeking out culturally resonant forms of expression and re-presentation of preferred identity stories, it depicts explorations on how collective narrative practice may offer accompaniment in times of transition and navigating new pathways. Inspired by Michael White’s work of ‘migration of identity’ and following adaptions by Tileah Drahm-Butler and Nihaya Mahmud Aba-Rayyan, it documents  cross-cultural collaboration in exploring and adapting this metaphor, its ideas and adaptions elsewhere to assist the women in their respective journeys. Within the adventures and ethical considerations cross-cultural collaborations behold, it furthermore shares insights into working with interpreters, speaks to accountability and partnerships that are not only influenced by a variety of cultures, but also by ‘glocal’ power structures.


Julia Scharinger has lived and worked in Timor-Leste and Nepal for seven years collaborating with a number of local and international organisations to contribute to a world where people(s) of all genders may live together peacefully. She is especially interested in the power of stories and the intersections of healing and justice when it comes to navigating and surviving individual and collective experiences of different forms of violence. Furthermore, she is passionate about contributing to inclusivity, diversity and representation within glocal realms of peace building. Julia recently moved back to her birth place, Austria, and currently works for the Austrian Study Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution. She can be reached via:

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Published Friday 7 June 2019. 

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Baerbel McDougall

    Hi Julia thank you for sharing your experience in applying Collective Narrative therapy with the Nepal people. I enjoyed the creative way you conducted the story telling sessions with the Nepal people by using something they would all be able to relate to as ‘seasons of change.’ This has allowed me to think more creatively when working cross culturally. thank you for your very detailed presentation . I hope you received a high distinction for this. Kind Regards Baerbel

    1. Julia

      Thank you for your comment, Baerbel! I am really glad to hear this video has supported you in thinking more creatively when working cross culturally and hope these thoughts will manifest in satisfying ways when the opportunities arise!

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