Coordinating Stories in Therapeutic Conversations by Glenda Fredman

This video features Glenda Fredman from the UK. In a thoughtful and moving presentation entitled ‘Coordinating stories in therapeutic conversations’, Glenda discusses her work with a family in which a member has died. She also provides a framework for ways of approaching difficult and complex conversations in therapy.

Glenda has also provided handouts in relation to the key slides from her talk, an exercise to engage with, and list of further relevant reading.



Further reading (free to download)

Handout and presentation slides

An exercise to engage with

Further reading

Published on January 25, 2013

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Alejandro Fuentes

    Thank you for sharing you world and the way of you doing this Glenda.
    Is very touching and enjoyable.

    Saludos desde Chile

  2. Marta Rivera Oliva

    Thank you very much, Glenda:
    Your talk was very clear and opens imagination for new ideas.
    I live in the north of Mexico and we are having problems with violence and people go to the place i work because have lost somebody in violence. I have read other ideas in the international journals of narrative therapy that were very useful, going beyond the typical stages of grief, and i was doing what I could.
    Listening to you, and sharing what you share, is ver helpful because you listen to people, ask their preferences, is so fluid not rigid, so rich, not only what people think but go beyond there, what others think, what community think and how to link or make new stories, talk to people about their preferences of what to keep or what to not pay attention, to have the possibility of choosing their story, according to them and their values and preferences…
    And i laugh also with Daniels story at school and the worry of parents…
    It will be very useful in my work and life…
    thanks to Glenda and to the Dulwich for inviting her…

    1. Glenda Fredman

      Thank you so much Marta.
      You write about your work with people facing death through violence and you note that the ‘popular’ theories of grief, like stage theories, do not always fit for people. In my work I sometimes invite colleagues to reflect on the different meanings we give to different sorts of death, dying and loss experiences (for example death through illness, accident or suicide) and to share how our family, cultural and religious stories inform the different stories we tell about these different death experiences. I am now wondering what stories the people you work with tell about death through violence; who holds the stories and who tells the stories and which stories open space for their families and communities to find preferred ways to go on?
      This also makes me think about the new and different stories that have started circulating in our world since the recent violent death following rape of a young female student in India – and then another story comes to mind of women all around the world dancing in protest against the world-wide abuse of women and for freedom from violence – and that fills me with hope. ( )
      I am always intrigued by how juxtaposing different stories opens space for new ways to go on….

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